SVP Tucson Lead Partner Roles and Responsibilities

A description of the roles and responsibilities of a lead partner, skills needed, helpful experiences, and time requirements for the job.

SVP Tucson Investee Process Overview

A timeline and description of SVP’s work with an investee, project selecting an organization to exiting planning.

SVP Waterloo Region Lead Partner Team Role Description

A description of the lead partner team, including its work with the investee and SVP, general responsibilities, timing of work, and resources for the job.

SVP Tampa Bay Lead Partner Job Description

A description of the duties of a lead partner, relationship with the investee, other SVP partners; and the skills, knowledge, and attributes of lead partners.

SV2 Lead Partner Job Description

A description of the lead partner position, as well as the job responsibilities, time commitment, and skills or experiences helpful for the role.

SVP Portland Stage Gate Model for Investee Engagements

A guide for using a “Stage Gate Model” for new investee engagements. In this model, the process is phased or staged and separated by gates which act as reviews or […]

SVP Portland Checklist: New Partner Team Kick-Off

A checklist to use as an agenda for the first SVP partner team meeting as an investee engagement begins.

SVP Portland Lead Partner-Executive Director Onboarding Meeting

A slide deck outlining a framework for a facilitated onboarding meeting between the investee’s executive director and SVP lead partner.