About Social Venture Partners International.
Funding changeSocial Venture Partners International brings together individual donors, foundations, and regional affiliates who want to invest in progressive change on a global scale.

We aim to build a global movement of partners working in their communities to create a world where all people have the opportunity to lead productive and meaningful lives.
What We Do
Social Venture Partners is a philanthropic network, but we do more than give away money. SVP helps those out to do good, do better – bringing together donors, nonprofits and social enterprises so we can make a greater collective impact.
Our Values

Collective action through equitable giving
We are more powerful together, and pooling our time, talent, and treasure is a critical first step to changing systems. Collectivism and collaboration must be prioritized over individualism and monolithic voices. We must resist isolation.

Power-shifting and accountability in philanthropy
Philanthropists must strategically ask ourselves, “How am I in relationship in transforming the systems that have benefitted me.” Traditional philanthropy tends to flow top-down, holding onto the power of deciding what is important. We must create space for two-way conversations, personal unlearning, and actively seek to shift power.

Centering and learning from frontline leadership
We must center the wisdom of those most impacted by injustice. Voices that traditional philanthropy has left out — those that have less historic and societal influences in the systems that govern their lives — must be heard, celebrated, and funded.

Continually honing a global analysis of justice
Now more than ever, we are all impacted by what happens around the world. Similarly, solutions, movements, and social change from one place can reverberate out to create global impact. It’s critical for change at all scales that we cultivate a global view and connections because what we do in one place will influence others. Additionally, the lens that we use to understand what is just and equitable globally must be nuanced, empathetic to different local, regional, and cultural norms, and forever evolving. We must always be open to learning and unlearning.

SVP International’s Role
We seek out and collaborate with community leaders, other values-aligned social change organizations, foundations, individual philanthropists, and regional SVPs to co-create an ecosystem where magic happens — the magic of increased experimentation, rapid learning, and local-regional-national-global connections.
In cultivating and expanding this network together:
We catalyze more resources
We catalyze and mobilize financial resources — both our own and from others — applying them toward cross-sector and multi-community solutions and innovations. We shift these resources away from traditional systems that only benefit a few, and we move them to collective and collaborative approaches that benefit many.
We disrupt traditional philanthropy
We demonstrate ways to disrupt and shift traditional philanthropy, moving it from being individualistic and disconnected to being community-centered in addressing root causes of injustice. We are embedded in the communities we serve, co-creating with them for the long-haul, not just in single touch points.
We influence change
We inspire individual philanthropists to understand the priorities that communities have — and how to strategically partner, fund, and give agency to community leaders in advancing change.

Who We Are
SVP Partners
SVP Partners are individuals, couples, families, businesses, and funders who invest money, time, and skills in causes and communities across the globe.
SVP Affiliates
SVP affiliates are local SVP branches – there are over 40 across the globe. Affiliates bring together individuals locally to work in community. Affiliates cultivate effective philanthropists, strengthen nonprofits, and invest in collaborative solutions – building powerful relationships to tackle our communities’ social challenges.
Contribute to Lasting Global Change
Invest in a movement that amplifies the power of community leaders around the world. Moving money where and when it’s needed most pushes the needle for social change in a more holistic, impactful way.