Dear Network Friends and Partners –
Yesterday we shared with you our statement about this moment and opportunity for solidarity. Over the course of the last several months of this pandemic, and again over the last few days as protests against police brutality and for racial justice erupted around the US, many have asked how we, as a global network of philanthropists, can engage right now.
Our world is at a turning point and we need to step up.
It is with this in mind that SVP International is launching the SVP Reimagine Fund.
The global philanthropic sector has an urgent opportunity to bring about the changes needed right now. Too often, funding has focused on symptoms rather than addressing root causes. Social Venture Partners has always strived to be different.
We invite you to join the Reimagine Fund with a contribution of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 or more, or an amount that is personally significant.
The SVP Reimagine Fund builds on the impact of local SVP Affiliates and Partners to catalyze more regional, national and cross-country resources to solve pressing social challenges at their root. We will start by responding to needs emerging from this pandemic and from long-standing unjust systems, while demonstrating another way for philanthropy to be close to and accountable to communities. With this Fund we will work together to advance justice by:
- Getting resources to communities, collaborations, and organizations who are imagining and implementing solutions for systems change.
- Supporting the social change frontline leaders who are reimagining and transforming systems.
By building upon frontline efforts for systems change and movement building, this Fund will be one way to counter historic gaps in philanthropic investment. For grantmaking in the U.S. and Canada that means prioritizing Black, Indigenous, and People of Color led efforts; and elsewhere in our network we will analyze gaps within the local context (for example in India this could include supporting efforts led by women and rural communities). We plan to leverage funds raised from Partners with additional funds from foundations, individuals outside our network, and partner organizations.
We know there are many resources being pooled in this moment, and many direct funding opportunities for you to support frontline efforts. We also know we need to unlock more philanthropic dollars for the work to come. Collective giving through SVP is a powerful way for us as individual philanthropists to take urgent action towards systems change.
We invite you to contribute to the SVP Reimagine Fund today and join us in accelerating community-wide recovery all around the world.

Sudha Nandagopal
SVP International

Sofia Michelakis
Board Chair
SVP International