Transformational Together: Charting SVPI’s Path Forward

Fresh into my role as CEO of Social Venture Partners International (SVPI), I am energized by the potential that lies before us. As I reflect on our organization’s rich history […]


Social Venture Partners International: Collective Giving for Global Impact

In the late 1990s, as the dot-com boom reshaped Seattle’s economic landscape, a revolutionary idea in philanthropy was taking root. After selling his software company Aldus Corporation to Adobe, Paul […]


Dr. Adriana Loson-Ceballos: Weaving a New Collective Tapestry for Philanthropy

Growing up on the United States-Mexico border shaped Dr. Adriana Loson-Ceballos’ worldview from an early age. Raised in a tight-knit community where resources were pooled and shared, she witnessed firsthand how “the collective” took care of itself. This formative experience planted the seeds for Adriana’s lifelong passion […]


SVP Waterloo Region: A Four-Pillared Approach to Philanthropy

Led by Executive Director Rose Greensides, Social Venture Partners (SVP) Waterloo Region in Ontario, Canada, is redefining philanthropy for the future. “We have a core group of Partners that are very invested. […]

Affiliate Spotlight

Destination Impact: Affiliate Reflections

Founded by the Raikes Foundation and now hosted at the Impact Driven Philanthropy Collaborative, Destination Impact has been cultivating spaces for peer-to-peer learning and community-building among organizations dedicated to donor-supported […]

Affiliate Spotlight

Destination Impact: Affiliate Reflections

Founded by the Raikes Foundation and now hosted at the Impact Driven Philanthropy Collaborative, Destination Impact has been cultivating spaces for peer-to-peer learning and community-building among organizations dedicated to donor-supported […]

Affiliate Spotlight

Philanthropy Has No Borders. Learning Shouldn’t, Either.

As Development and Philanthropic Partnerships Manager at SVPI, I believe strongly in the power of relationships across diversity. My drive for collaborative community action was re-energized by seeing on-the-ground work […]

Philanthropic Learning

Sudha Nandagopal at We Give Summit “Wealth and Power Sharing: A Candid Conversation with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal”

A note from SVP International Director of Network Learning, Rachel Sample: Taking a bird’s eye view keeps me inspired and resilient in our work toward bold systemic change. I’m always looking […]
